  1. Hazelwood



One night when the winter was almost over
and the stars were fallin down like snow
he came from the country of green headin for the springtime
and the Hazelwood, ready to grow

from deep in the heart of the world
there came a trembling
from deep in the heart of the wood
there came a song
from deep in the heart of the sea
there came a woman
to the Hazelwood bound

Deep in the heart of midsummer
when the sun was sharing story
with the moon
he turned and saw her standing
in a dappled shadow
ready to bloom

Oh, take my hand

He came to stand beside her
in the dappled light
she opened up before him like a cloud
sayin “I have only come to be your water,
this I know”

Oh, take my heart

He drank of her and marveled
at her willingness
sayin, “oh you taste of salt and rain and sun
and her laughter ran around them
like a sweet caress
and the water ran around them like a song

oh, take my song

Deep in the heart of the wood
still shine his hazel eyes
deep in the heart of the sea
her cerulean blue
deep in the heart of the world
you can hear their laughter ring
in the Hazelwood
in the Hazelwood
in the Hazelwood.